Thursday, August 24, 2006

Another wonderfully sunny day down here in Mercville, I mean Leslieville. That has a nice ring to it though, doesn't it? Maybe we can talk to our local MP about changing that. Haha, just kidding, Leslieville is just fine.

Our recent addition of Adrian is working out nicely. Despite some confusion in the morning regarding scheduling, I came into the store this afternoon to two cheery lads pouring lattes and espressos. Dear reader, don't you think in the future we should avoid scheduling Mike and Adrian on the same shift? To the untrained eye, they look so similar that 'Mini-Me' jokes might inadvertantly fly out without warning. Maybe it's just me. But in any case, welcome aboard Adrian.

Speaking of whom, if you have time tonight, his band, the Barons and Lengthly are playing down at Planet Kensington along with Matthew's band, the Soup Kitchen Lineup. Hanging with the Mercury crew "post-espresso" hours is always interesting and fun. Wink wink.


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