Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Hey guys, this is young Matt. I am just blogging to show you this movie poster. Really that's all. Look at the juxtaposition of that skull. Check out that sweet typeface. So perfect. Whoever made this poster had the bollywood horror film market cornered, I'm telling ya. Such a beaut.
Oh man, Tofu just walked in. Have you seen this guy?
Last week he had a 'stache going on and he looked like a psychology professor.
Check out this other image. I think it's a box. Actually I'm not sure. I really enjoy this picture. Just think of the effort that the photographer had to make not only to keep himself from deleting it, but to upload it to his computer AND post it on the internet. Trooper!

1 comment:

tofu said...

the effort to comment ratio on this blog equals exactly 142.333 = 1