Sunday, May 10, 2009

Yo buddies.
it is the day where we say how much we care about our moms. We often forget about how important they are, but you know, I find myself thinking about other neglected dudes too.

What about moths? Do they get mothers day?

and what about mammoths? mammothers day?

and what about the ice planet from Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back; Hoth? Hothers Day?

In these modern times where no stone is left unturned in the name of civilization and science, why have we not realized all that is important to us, as well as our mothers? I think that today would be greatly enhanced if I were riding around on a moth covered mammoth on Hoth. Maybe I could wrap my tow-cable around an AT-AT or something, instead of getting lame flowers for my mom.

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